I’m bad at titles

Free Kraut’s brief lifespan, in graph form:

FK could use a bit more Other Stuff, so that’s what this is.

Plus, I admit I haven’t fully embraced the “Condiment Bar” moniker. While I respect the clever … ah, frak it. Why soft pedal the truth? We’re all adults here. I’ll just say it. I think “Condiment Bar” is lame. That’s right, you heard (read) me: LAME. Too cutesy. Too self-reverential. Too … I don’t know, something. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. Linguistic precision is not important right now. My gaze is fixed on a far greater calling: nothing less than a permanent return to the no nonsense austerity of “DLD”.

Look, I know this won’t be easy. I know the mob is set against me. I know my allies are few, and the road ahead is mined with peril. But what is life without principle, and how better to judge the character of a man than in the face of adversity?

Goddamnit, all I’ve got in this world are Jesus, DLD’s, and a team I hope wins ~83 games this year. And you … you’re trying to rip all three from my grasp in a twisted tsunami of clown pornography, condiment bars, and shitty baserunning. Well I have news for you. I won’t have it. I have drawn the proverbial fucking line in the proverbial fucking sand. This. Will. Not. Stand.

Below the fold:

Fact: Matt Holliday’s power numbers declined substantially from 2007 to 2008.

Fact: via Hit Tracker, 17 of the 25 home runs he hit last year were of the “lucky” or “just enough” variety (definitions here).

[Sigh of relief edit]: This is all WRONG

Conclusion: Dunno. I will say that I am slightly worried that Holliday, 2009 = Damon, 2001 (except without 102 wins to ease the pain).

PT is/was fond of pointing out that Dallas Braden’s 2007 and 2008 seasons were virtually identical, except that he was massively unlucky in the former. Similar walk rates, home run rates, ground ball rates, etc., just 55 extra points of BABIP in 2007.

2009, though?

Fewer strikouts than ever (that’s not the good news), fewer ground balls, more flyballs (no, haven’t reached the good news yet), BUT (good news imminent) fewer walks and fewer home runs allowed.

His K/BB/HR ratios have actually been on a steady downward trajectory since 2007:

So. More balls in play. Specifically, more balls in play in the air, but half as many of those leaving the ballpark. This seems to add up to a big, fat wad of “results will worsen soon”.

Since I prefer to shut such things out of my mind, I offer the following optimistic counter-hypothesis: New-fangled cutter + throwing fastball less often + improved ability to locate change/slider = less solid contact = totally sustainable = Dallas Braden, 2009 all star (groin permitting).

[Head slumped in shame edit]: And this is all PREMATURE

Entertaining addendum: Hollywood Oz on Braden, circa 2005.

I watched Stray Dog over the weekend, and was delighted to discover several minutes of post-WWII Japanese baseball footage therein:

(if you have nine minutes to spare, the clip’s commentary track is interesting)

Hidden track

163 Responses to I’m bad at titles

  1. salb918 says:

    DLD! DLD! DLD!

    Count me as one who never liked condiment bars, either.

  2. Razr says:

    Well 74mk, details about the historical Yeshua of Nazareth are sketchy at best and looking at the A’s at the moment does not inspire much confidence. Bascially what I’m trying to say here is that I’m with ya on the DLDs. Not being a krauthor and also generally easy-going I went along with the CabBage but if there is a choice I say DLD.

    • salb918 says:

      There oughta be a poll.

      Actually, in keeping with the occasionally anarchic nature of FK, I think people should just do what they feel.

      • nevermoor says:


        1. Lets make Razr a krauthor (If I’m a member, you know the club isn’t exclusive)

        2. I’m surprised people like DLD so much. I do prefer this, but not as strongly as it seems some people prefer DLD.

        • Razr says:

          I second that. Before you say conflict of interest, if the Treasury Secretary can get away with not paying his taxes, I’d say this is small change.

          That’s it for me. I’m leaving on a high note.

          • salb918 says:

            As the joke going around conservative circles goes:

            “How do you get a member of the liberal elite to pay their taxes? Nominate them for a cabinet position.”

      • Razr says:

        If I ever get to do one of these, I’m calling it the Victory Cabbage DLD (and that’s copyrighted mind you).

      • Leopold Bloom says:

        Eat my shorts.

      • 74mk says:

        The Simpsons is another show that impresses me (wit, intelligence, etc.), but never makes me laugh. I silently applaud the jokes, the whole time feeling like I ought to be laughing but unable to squeeze out so much as a strangled chuckle.

        It’s becoming clear that I have some kind of congenital humor deficiency. Do they have pills for that?

        • salb918 says:

          Yes, but you need to anticipate humorous situations by a half-hour to an hour in order for the pills to work effectively.

          • Razr says:

            Or you could be on them all the time man. That’s how I roll or swallow to be more accurate.

            (maniacally laughs at own joke)

          • 74mk says:

            Sounds reasonable. If I find myself a) suddenly removed from the Matrix, or b) laughing for more than four hours at a time, I will consult a physician.

            Semi-non sequitur: Since you know 43.6 times more about baseball than I do (I did the math), and are a level-headed fellow to boot, please convince me that Matt Holliday’s batting line at year end will not be 270/330/400. Tell me that it is illogical to conclude anything based on a 16 game span, that warmer weather will do wonders for his slugging percentage, that he is an elite hitter going through a rough patch, simple as that.

            It might help if you employed the same reassuring language as you would when explaining to your kid that he doesn’t need a night light anymore. Except with stats and stuff.

            • salb918 says:

              To date, Matt Holliday has been about -3 runs in 2009.

              Since 2007, his run values, split by month, have been: 10.2, 6.5, 8.5, 7.2, 7.4, 18.3, 7.2, 8.2, 6.4, 15.5, 10.3, -1.8.

              You can look at this two ways: 1) his start with the A’s is a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions that can only portend a disastrous season or 2) it’s just a blip.

              I prefer the first explanation. YMMV.

              • 74mk says:

                The fact that 70% of Holliday’s homers last year barely made it over the fence has me in mild freakout mode. I’m like 40% convinced that bad luck, wind pattern shifts, and unexplainable karmic circumstances are destined to cap his 2009 HR total at 12.

                If he leaves Arlingon still stuck on zero, I will begin ranting irrationally about how we need to trade him immediately for a OF prospect and a relief pitcher.

        • Razr says:

          As the CW goes, that was when it was good man, in the good old days, don’t you know? ;)

          As far as pills go, I know a man…

  3. salb918 says:

    Things I did this weekend:

    1. Had a great time at a Ben Folds concert.
    2. Barbecued up some corn and sweet italian sausage.
    3. Took my son to the playground.
    4. Went a good friend’s wedding and danced with my wife.

    I’d say it was a good weekend.

    • Leopold Bloom says:

      Things I did this weekend:

      1. Stared directly into the sun for three hours, because it needed doing.
      2. Drank a half a cup of bleach every half hour for eight straight hours, then increased it to a cup every forty-five minutes for the remainder of the day.
      3. Set loose eighteen gophers in my home, gave them a five minute head-start, hunted them by hand.
      4. Killed a drifter, applied plaster of Paris to his corpse, made a living/dead statue out of him for the front yard.

      • Razr says:

        Since it is probably to early for our west-coast brethren to ask, I figure its best to ask you LB – how long have you been staring into the sun and is this how you have scared the sun into hiding its spots? If you have, please stop immediately, we might need them.

  4. Razr says:

    I wish there was more round the clock kraut for us NRAFs on the other side. Well maybe its just me and my sock puppet holding the A’s flag aloft but still.

  5. 74mk says:

    The Army is locked in fierce competition with the dumb guy from That 70’s Show:

    “If Ashton Kutcher can do it, the U.S. Army can do it,” said Lindy Kyzer, who posts the Army’s “status updates” on Facebook and “tweets” on Twitter.

  6. doctorK says:

    ** is going to hell. Somehow, this piece of shyte got 6 recs, all of them since last night.

  7. salb918 says:

    I have a theory.

    My toddler son loves to organize things. He’s obsessive about it. I am too, and I suspect that the combination of toddler-analness + genetic hardcoding makes him unable to pass a pile of shoes without arranging them. As an adult, though, I try to realize that there is a time and place for this compulsion.

    In nanotechnology, we call this kind of organziation “top-down.” But there’s another paradigm in nanotech called “bottom-up,” where you rely on natural processes, gently guided, to create system-wide organization.

    The going-to-hellness at ** reminds ,e of toddlers imposing control over an inherently disorganized system. It’s top-down nanofabrication. Blogs work are more amenable to bottom-up self-assembly. It’s a mixed analogy, combining amateur child psyschology with a lazy porting of nanotechnology jargon. But f— it, I’m running with it. The DLD/condiment bar is bottom-up. It’s adults relying on self-control. It’s way more f—ing awesome.

    • nevermoor says:

      But bottom up only works if the bottom isn’t composed of every idiot that reads Yahoo. Also, it helps if your photographers don’t run the show.

    • salb918 says:

      Anyway, I hate ** meta-discussion, since FK isn’t, or shouldn’t be, in the business of putting them down or competing with them. But we also have to remember our past.

      Ah, f— it, it’s like facebooking your high school crush and finding out she got fat and ended up marrying that loser boyfriend of hers anyway. (This almost happened to me, except she was still attractive and her loser boyfriend turned out to be pretty succesful.)

      • 5aces says:

        I googled my jr high-first high school crush, and the only thing I could find is a story of her getting arrested in a hotel in ID with a “boyfriend” and a large amount of weed.

        Thank god Mrs. Aces came around…

    • 5aces says:

      I love this theory (theories?) and it makes a lot of sense.

      I find a somewhat similar thing happens at the workplace. Every few years, some new head honcho comes in and thinks it would be great to instill a little more order. Now the area I work in is typically college educated, mature, and had to be internally promoted 2-3 times to get here-so while that does not guarantee anything, it seems to usually indicate that we know how to get our shit done, done on time, and done right.

      But once the new guy starts trying to implement some rigid, super defined order (you will work this schedule, take a break at a certain time, report everything on a log, etc), everyone starts rebelling, and soon we start having a series of focus groups and spirit campaigns to “get back to the excellent service we always provided”.

      I see that at least once a week over at the Cabbage-less country. Any chance someone has to start talking about the ever present issues they use it, and whatever is being discussed disappears in an avalanche of he said/she said.

      Did I mention I love having a place to chat with adults?

      • salb918 says:

        Did I mention I love having a place to chat with adults?


        • 5aces says:

          ok adults who talk about evil clowns, bad laughter/ED jokes, and cabbage. But where everyone can take a friggin joke or listen to an arguement and not start crying.

      • Razr says:

        Did I mention I love having a place to chat with adults?

        I resent that accusation sir. I challenge you to a duel to defend my honor (hits you with glove)

        • 5aces says:

          Fine sir, I shall always defend your right to resent all accusations, and will remember to call you childish and foolhardy at all times.

          But now that I have been slapped, I must return in kind-for ours is an honorable world (slaps you back with a big fish).

  8. salb918 says:


    whether this is a CB or a DLD, it’s awesome. Thanks!

  9. MikeTheV says:

    Too much sun this weekend. I love it when the forecast is RAIN and then I get 70 and sunny at both games.

    I’m fucking wrecked from the sun :curses:

  10. 74mk says:

    I was at that game at Wrigley in 1994. I think one guy caught two of the home runs.

  11. monkeyball says:

    As the author of the title “Condiment Bar,” I regret that the title was misused. I regret the lack of context — and the enormous pressure and the enormous time pressure that I was under. And anyone would have regrets simply because of the notoriety.

    But it was that bad apple andeux who took my purely theoretical framework and applied it in the field!

  12. the dogfather says:

    In other news, I just got an email from the Giaunts, discounting tix to Wednesday’s game against the Dodgers. No, thanks.

    Times is tough all over, not just at Yankee Mausoleum.

    • Leopold Bloom says:

      DF, why you getting mail from the Giants?

    • batgirl says:

      I’ll see your Giants mailer and raise you a Yankees tickets mailer. Jeez, you go take one tour of Yankee Stadium and all of a sudden they think you’re a fan.

      I may have misread something in the mailer, but it looks like they have one of their “skyboxes” in a Rockefeller center highrise for corporate events. So you don’t even have to haul your lazy rich ass out to the Bronx, you can just sit in a box downtown and watch the game on a big screen!

  13. monkeyball says:


    “I’m day-to-day, probably for the whole year.”

    • 74mk says:

      They clearly cannot count on Chavez or Nomar Garciaparra (lingering calf trouble) being available.

      Doesn’t matter. I’ve talked myself into believing that Crosby/Hannahan will be excellent defensively and a passable platoon out of the 9 hole. Sprinkle in a few games from Nomar here and there, and that’s got “good enough” written all over it.

      monkeyball, this is a locomotive headed straight for that 82-80 division title we always dreamed about. It’s barrelling down the tracks full steam ahead, and you can either get on board or get out of the way.

  14. Jennifer says:

    Has anyone heard from Thunderbutt? Sal, should I start a search party?

  15. monkeyball says:

    OK, 74mk, here’s a good-faith negotiating offer: we can retire “CB” if we change the right-sidebar “Blogroll” to Jadeite Cabbage Souvenir Bookmarks.

  16. monkeyball says:

    A great new epithet to toss at sabermetric sporks: a nobody–a pocket-protector-wearing Joe Molecule

  17. salb918 says:

    Re: Holliday’s lucky HR

    In general, about 25% of homers are of the “Just Enough” variety. Holliday hit 11 JE last year, so JEs were proportionally a much higher portion of his overall total, 44%.

    However, among hitters with 20 or more homers, the standard deviation in JE% is about 10%. It’s hard to know how much, if any, of that 44% number number is noise.

  18. salb918 says:

    Wait, there’s no game tonight? What’s keeping my motivated to get through the day?

  19. Leopold Bloom says:

    I’ve been thinking of making some FK tshirts. Anyone interested in working on a design with me? No money being made-type thing.

    • sslinger says:

      Free Mumia! Kraut!

    • monkeyball says:


      • Leopold Bloom says:

        Free Kraut:
        We’re all about c’est chic.

        Free Kraut:
        Cause Sometimes Onions and Peppers Just Aren’t enough

        Free Kraut:
        We Gave Your Mom an Invite.

        Free Kraut:
        It’s Good To Have Friends When Looking at Clown Porn.

        Free Kraut:
        For When Yahoo! Jacks your Site.

        • nevermoor says:

          Free Kraut:
          Available at the Coliseum Saags stand

          Free Kraut:
          You can fling it without spreading disease

          Free Kraut:
          Shhh. Don’t tell **.

          Free Kraut:
          In former Soviet Union, cabbage pickles you!

          Free Kraut:
          Someday we’ll have a decent website. (FIRE NEVERMOOR NOW!!!)

          Free Kraut:
          The Condiment Bar of DLDs.

        • FreeSeatUpgrade says:

          Les FreeK, C’est Chic!

  20. salb918 says:

    At first I thought this thread was called “I’m bad at titties.”

  21. mikeA says:

    Pitching stats=very confusing. I would like to (but probably will not) pull together some of the best stuff about how to evaluate pitching for interested readers to read. Lots of confused stat folk over in that ** thread saying a variety of dubious things… I’ve read a ton about pitching stats in the past year or two and it’s a more-you-learn-less-you-know type of thing for me.

    • salb918 says:

      Oh please. That’s not confusion, that’s a fatal character flaw.

    • 74mk says:

      I would like to (but probably will not) will pull together some of the best stuff about how to evaluate pitching for interested readers to read, probably as soon as the next off day.

      Fixed. Thanks in advance.

  22. salb918 says:

    Good news, mikeA! MLB on FOX is now twittering!

    Chris Rose here: Just told Sabathia the Raiders pick. He liked it. Delusional Oakland fan…thinks they’ll be back in ’09. Uggh…

    Rosenthal here: Credit the Yanks on Cano’s HR, not me! They’re the ones who batted him fifth – and they based it on the numbers.

    McCarver here: After yesterday’s PSA shoot with Michael J. Fox, had dinner at Blue Hill in NYC. They blend their own Pinot Noir!

    Joe Buck here: I’m a giant douche

    • mikeA says:

      One of my worst moments was when I saw a headline that said “Buck takes job with HBO” and then clicked on the article which said at the bottom that he was staying on as “lead mlb broadcaster” at fox.

      Unrelated: I like Robo. He looks a little sleazy, like he would be good at swindling old folks out of their fixed incomes, and I love a good swindle. I also like his nickname.

      Warning to others: clicking on that link is the equivalent of staring straight into the Angel Stadium scoreboard when they turn on all their absurd flashing lights.

      • salb918 says:

        I like Robo too, for his unrelenting newsbreaking. But his analysis is utterly unreadable. He tries to incorporate the latest research, but it’s clear that just doesn’t understand it very well.

        • mikeA says:

          eh, given that his analysis is constrained by being a sentence long and being written for fox, it’s not too bad.

    • mikeA says:

      I’m shocked that Big Urb isn’t on twitter. or is he?…

  23. monkeyball says:

    No Goodman Spoiled Bastard up yet … let’s get the BBs2e? (7?) talk going.

    1. “Better call Saul”
    2. DJ Qualls as a narc: genius
    3. The triple fakeout you knew was coming: even more genius
    4. Casting Bob Odenkirk in a (putative, though funnier and funnier each ep) non-comedy: high risk, seeming low reward, but … man. Awesome.
    5. Random wrong bald guy: fucking hilarious

    • mikeA says:

      ahhh; can’t read. tv out all weekend.

    • monkeyball says:

      dammit, and i forgot:

      6. “Saul”‘s office? Best. Set design. Ever

    • xbhaskarx says:

      -I really like him, I even enjoy the Right Guard commercial.
      -Who didn’t see that coming (one of the footsoldiers had to fuck it up and the other two don’t have names).
      -I’m glad he’s not dead.

      Odenkirk was hilarious, he had so many great lines. I need to watch it again…

    • xbhaskarx says:

      Uh oh…

      But having helped them pull off this convoluted plan, Saul tries to insert himself as Tom Hagen to Walt’s Vito Corleone, which could be either the best or worst thing to happen to Walt’s criminal career to date. Saul knows how to get things done — or at least gives the appearance that he does — and could certainly point out all the mistakes we’ve all noticed Walt and Jesse making, in the same way that Maury Levy on “The Wire” was essentially the third leader of the Barksdale/Bell empire. But he also believes they’re soft touches — and has no idea that Walt killed Emilio and Krazy 8 — and as Spooge’s former lawyer he knows that Jesse’s street rep is built on a lie. So he could view them as easy marks to bleed, in the same way (to continue “The Wire” comparison) Clay Davis swindled Stringer Bell.

      The Wire? Sheeeeeeeeeit.

  24. mikeA says:

    interesting article; lots of great sentences:

    The article on intrauterine pressure was admittedly in its own way heroic, on the part of the researchers as well as the subject, but it simply cannot (yet?) be accepted as valid.

    The resulting uterine upsuck hypothesis is linguistically ugly, but logically appealing.

    • FreeSeatUpgrade says:

      It is possible that as in baboons and chimps the pleasurable sensations of sexual climax once functioned to condition females to seek sustained clitoral stimulation by mating with successive partners, one right after the other, and that orgasms have since become secondarily enlisted by humans to serve other ends.

      Any implications for the Free Kraut tailgate party are probably best left unposted (call me!).

  25. 74mk says:

    Ping pong set to “sweep the nation” (or at least “reach beer drinkers at the grass-roots level”):

    “Table tennis is ripe for reinvention,” says Keith Hindle, executive vice president of London-based Fremantle, who foresees a variety of revenue streams from live ping-pong events, branded merchandise, sponsorships and league memberships.


    Mr. Friedman and Jordan Wynn, executive of Mark Gordon Co., say they noticed ping pong re-emerging in popular culture over the past year. The posse on the HBO series “Entourage” played during an episode, for example, and hip-hop star 50 Cent had a ping-pong theme at his birthday party.

  26. xbhaskarx says:

    A good Criterion double feature: Stray Dog and La Haine, a stolen police gun from both sides of the law.
    Or maybe Stray Dog, Pickup on South Street (great cover art), and Pickpocket (I have not seen it).

    Also: 25 Illustrations Inspired By Film

  27. xbhaskarx says:

    TIME: The World’s Most Influential Person Is…

    In a stunning result, the winner of the third annual TIME 100 poll, and new owner of the title world’s most influential person, is moot. The 21-year-old college student and founder of the online community 4chan.org, whose real name is Christopher Poole, received 16,794,368 votes and an average influence rating of 90 (out of a possible 100) to handily beat the likes of Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Oprah Winfrey. To put the magnitude of the upset in perspective, it’s worth noting that everyone moot beat out actually has a job.

    Since moot launched 4chan.org in 2003, the site has given birth to Internet memes as diverse as Lolcats and Rickrolling. 4chan averages 8.5 million page views a day and 3.3 million visitors a month; by some estimates it is the fourth largest bulletin board in the world.

    Online poll?
    I have never visited that site.

  28. FreeSeatUpgrade says:

    Barry Zito has fornicating gingerbread swine for you.

  29. xbhaskarx says:

    Updating a file photo?

    An administration official says a presidential Boeing 747 and a fighter jet flew low near ground zero in New York City Monday because the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president’s plane near the Statue of Liberty.

    This official said the White House Military Office told the Federal Aviation Administration that it periodically updates file photos of Air Force One near national landmarks, like the statute in New York harbor and the Grand Canyon.

    Jesus, the recession is so bad the US government can’t afford Photoshop.

  30. 74mk says:

    Who will grace the Free Kraut urinal walls? rev halofan? Dustin Pedroia? Jack Dorsey?

    A man urinates on April 25, 2009 in the toilets of the Sodoma bar in central Reykjavik where photographs of the former bankers who left their country after the financial crash have been stuck on the urinals.

  31. Razr says:

    Is this thing on – check, one, two, three? hello? anybody here?

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