There’s a game

May 7, 2009

Cahill pitching, Sweeney moved down in the order.

Giambi 1B
Cust DH
Sweeney CF
Crosby 2B
Buck RF
Hannahan 3B

25 April 09 Game Thread

April 25, 2009

Radio only game, Braden vs. Garza

  • Sweeney
  • Cabrera
  • Giambi
  • Holiday
  • Cust
  • Nomar
  • Buck
  • Ellis
  • Powell

Insert clever xbx edit here.

Condiment Bar – 15 April 2009

April 15, 2009

This is a picture of great social and political import.

I will have more to say later.

In the meantime, dump away.


OK, I am assuming that the complete lack of comments about this photograph indicates an intense curiosity. This is an actual photo of the condiment bar to the left of the Saag’s stand last night. It’s a little blurry – OK, a lot blurry; you try snapping a picture of a condiment bar in a poorly lit tunnel using a cell phone camera while other patrons attempt to make use of the condiments thereon – so I’ll describe what it shows:

Large pump containers of ketchup and mustard bookend the scene. In between, there is a bin containing relish to the left, a bin containing chopped onions in the middle, and then, on the right, an empty space where the bin that contained (I believe) FREE KRAUT! had previously been. Yes, just as I arrived, I saw a concessions worker clean the last dregs out of that bin, and then remove it without providing a replacement. So the good news is that patrons are partaking of the FREE KRAUT! But the bad news is that supplies appear to be inadequate.

Game Thread – Home Opener

April 10, 2009

Fireworks, moments of silence, etc. followed by a battle of lefties, Brett Anderson vs. Ryan Rowland-Smith

A’s with the same 9 as on opening night, in a slightly different order.

Mariners Ichiro-less with Endy Chavez leading off, and Mike Sweeney batting third.

Did you all go to the game and not invite me? Well, at least my name will be blue now. Go A’s!