DLD or Condilump Ink Bar or whatever

May 5, 2009

The New Ballpark Blog has some stuff (today’s and yesterday’s diaries) that’s news to me. Most things are news to me several days/weeks/millennia after they’ve happened, so I’m sure you already know that stuff.

That’s the only A’s/baseball-related link I’m gonna put, because if I spend more than a few minutes typing, I’ll get DLDblocked again and have to delete. :P~~~

So I’ll leave you with something that illustrates why I have noooo desire to ever perform on-air journalism… I’m absolutely positive this would happen to me:

Selugworth starts the logrolling for San Jose

March 30, 2009

Slusser breaks news
The press release
Marine Layer weighs in (and I endorse this sentiment):

this is actually an official “let’s delineate all the ways Oakland no longer works” committee