Condiment Bar 042109: My smilin’ face on the cover of the Cond’ment Bar

April 21, 2009

Now, I’m aware that one may question the DogMa’s choice of subject (and S-O), but her talent is something at which I, as a card-carrying member of the Fine-Motor Challenged, can only marvel.  So I’m showing-off this recent evidence thereof.

And like Michelangelo, she does contract-out her art for special occasions and occasional ceilings — she might even paint your porch, mang.

In other news, the WSJ weighs-in on … wait for it …  stirrups!

Of course, unfettered competitive zeal is in the subtext.  FTFA:

…Colorfast dye dispelled the poison-sock myth. Washing machines eased the germ threat. By the turn of the millennium, pant legs were dropping fast and the stirrup had become a vestigial accessory.

“It’s a negative apparatus, a detractment,” says John Moretz, chief executive of GoldToeMoretz, a giant sock maker based just down the road, toward Newton. “It serves no purpose. Its day is gone.”

To which Mr. Davis replied: “He says that because we make ’em and he doesn’t.”

That’s all I got — do I still get a blue krauthor tag?