I am utterly confused: game thread 050309

Cust RF
Suzuki DH
Crosby 3B
Petit 2B
Powell C


117 Responses to I am utterly confused: game thread 050309

  1. mikeA says:


  2. 74mk says:


    Not platooning Crosby and Hannahan because you just can’t take that kind of bulldozing devil-may-care moxie out of the lineup.

    Not platooning Petit and Patterson because two hits last night means Petit might be hot. Also he’s better defensively, and Outman needs all the help he can get.

    Suzuki gets the day off, but Geren wishes to … wait for it … keep his bat in lineup. Plus Geren hates Buck.

    I’m disappointed Geren did not find a way to work Davis into the lineup.

  3. Jjjsixsix says:

    a run! We may need quite a few of those today.

  4. Jjjsixsix says:

    home run!! that’s a true outcome.

  5. monkeyball says:


  6. mikeA says:

    I love Cust.

  7. monkeyball says:


  8. mikeA says:

    Thank you to Wakamatsu for not starting Felix today when they had the same rest.

  9. monkeyball says:

    oo. not out.

  10. Sharon says:


  11. monkeyball says:

    crosby, too, loathes the hot yellow orb

  12. monkeyball says:


  13. monkeyball says:


    • Jjjsixsix says:

      i’m assuming that was to the MGD commercials? At least they’re better than mini sirloin burgers.

      • monkeyball says:

        I don’t mind that JitB ad.

        That mgd ad makes me want to go on a multistate killing spree.

        • mikeA says:

          I hope you consult my rankings when picking out the states.

          • monkeyball says:

            I’m not killing anyone in a state with sunshine and humidity.

            1. Those people are already living in Hell
            2. I’m not setting foot in those conditions

        • Jjjsixsix says:

          eh. I’ve taking to muting the commercial once it comes on. Unfortunately, I know when to turn the sound back on because it plays in my head anyways.

      • FreeSeatUpgrade says:

        Compared to the Coors light Beer Poets and the Bud Light Real Men of Genius campaigns, this new MGD ad is like a beautiful Indigo Girls ballad.

  14. mikeA says:

    They don’t wear the road grays enough. Much better than the green.

  15. monkeyball says:

    Anyone want to join me in a class-action lawsuit over the misleading dollar-dog ads?

    I hear it not as “And hot dogs, too, for just a dollar,” but as “And hot dogs: two for just a dollar.”

  16. 74mk says:

    Vince: “the ball was bananing … had a little banana to it”

    • mikeA says:

      true story: I read your comment, and then was going to bref, and I typed in “banana” instead of “baseball.”

  17. Jjjsixsix says:

    Kurt is on fire.

  18. Jjjsixsix says:

    I love A’s baserunning.

  19. mikeA says:

    1st and 3rd 2 outs=not a good time steal. Maybe in little league.

  20. mikeA says:


  21. whiteshoes40 says:

    I like Petit. Can we keep him?

  22. 74mk says:

    1. The power of “knows how to handle the bat”:

    GS for Cabrera the past 3+ seasons: 488
    GS hitting lower than 3rd in the lineup: 0

    2. What does it mean to “have a seat on a flight to your life”?

    3. Those otters appear to be hatching a plot that involves a) scratching out the eyes of their handlers, b) copulating ferociously, and c) detonating a suitcase nuke in a shopping mall.

  23. soaker says:

    Listening to Niehaus today…he mentioned that it’s the 29th anniversary of the A’s stealing home twice against Jack Morris and Lance Parrish, one of which was on a triple steal, a play I don’t think has been duplicated since. All those years sitting in the old Coliseum bleachers, that was absolutely one of the greatest moments.

  24. oblique says:

    I had a revelation today about the “sippin’ on a MGD” commercial. This may have already been covered, but I realized that the reason he was able to not spill the draft beer when he trips on the dance floor is that it’s an MGD, and therefore it’s in a bottle, not a mug or a cheap-ass plastic cup. I feel so enlightened, I just wanted to share.

    • Poppy says:

      I think you’re not busy enough if your brain has time for that.

      • oblique says:

        I blame FK. Someone (maybe xbhaskarx?) posed the question of what exactly about the MGD keeps it from being spilled on the dance floor?

        I’m a problem solver. I solve problems.

  25. green star oakland says:

    A third of the line-up below the Mendoza line … if this goes to extra innings, we are so screwed.

  26. whiteshoes40 says:

    Ziggy doesn’t look so good.

  27. Poppy says:

    “Orlando Cabrera just RAN over to Jack Hannahan and whispered something to him,” says Glen.

    OC: “Dude! LEAVE. IT. ALONE.”

  28. Jjjsixsix says:

    Springer vs Lopez… round 2. We win this time.

  29. mikeA says:

    Aardsma looks like a gopher.

  30. 74mk says:

    1. I get Davis for Cust, but is Crosby really a better defensive first baseman than Giambi?

    2. It’s depressing how quickly overuse, injuries, and airborne contagions have transformed the relief staff from a strength into a liability.

    3. Pet peeve, apropos of nothing: when people say “quite frankly”, followed by an uncontroversial banality.

    4. Culinary assertion, apropos of nothing: lentil soup is the best soup.

    • mikeA says:

      1. Probably yes, and Hannahan is a better 3B than Crosby.

      • 74mk says:

        Yes on Hannahan, maybe on Crosby, but I wouldn’t have been inclined to replace Giambi’s bat in a one run game with Springer coming out for the 9th.

        Not that any of this will matter after Suzuki homers to lead off the inning.

    • bear88 says:

      1. Crosby isn’t a better first baseman than Giambi, so I agree.

      2. The inability of the A’s starters to pitch more than 5 or 6 innings (at best) is destined to turn the bullpen into a liability. That, and the fact that it was always unlikely some of these guys would continue to pitch so well.

      3. True, but everyone has their conversational quirks. My daughter is going through “like” at the moment. Of course, she isn’t a paid broadcaster.

      4. Disagree on the soup, but can’t narrow down a favorite.

  31. mikeA says:

    take take take take

  32. mikeA says:

    yay Petit is up.

  33. bear88 says:

    This is the part of extra-inning games I dislike.

    You have invested a fair amount of time in waiting for the outcome. At this stage, you are not optimistic that things will end well. But you don’t want to give up, because that’s not the kind of fan you are. Plus, what if it does end well? You would feel foolish.

    But this game already has taken up more time than alloted. There are chores to do, requests from other family members, general restlessness.

    And so it drags on…

    • Poppy says:

      Mmmmmm… laptop and wireless at Mom’s house…

      (I’m working and writing while I watch the game, since I’ve forgotten how to do fewer than three things at a time anyway.)

    • Poppy says:

      And you know why we’re in extra innings, don’t you? It’s because earlier in the game, Ray was talking about how bad the shadows would be if the game were to go past 4:00… like he was so sure that wouldn’t happen.

    • 74mk says:

      I say stick with the game, savor the Sunday lassitude, stave off the tedium of obligation-fulfillment awhile longer.

      • bear88 says:

        That’s what I have done. It’s what I almost always do.

        At the moment, it’s looking like a game I’m glad to have stuck with…

        • bear88 says:

          And now I don’t.


          I don’t know what the bullpen situation really is, but Geren’s handling of that situation was utterly mystifying.

    • Jjjsixsix says:

      that Dodgers game a few years ago might have been the worst.

      I’m multi-tasking though, so I at least think I’m being productive or something.

      • bear88 says:

        That Dodgers game was an exception, because I was in Los Angeles and listening to Vin Scully and staying in a hotel and the rest of my family was asleep anyway.

        That doesn’t count.

        • Jjjsixsix says:

          I was in Taipei, in a hotel. Unfortunately, that was during the daytime there, but I did get to listen to Vin Scully.

  34. green star oakland says:

    Powell crosses the Mendoza line!

  35. mikeA says:

    I’m looking forward to the highlights… who has this inning on the radio?

  36. mikeA says:

    Vargas does not drink. Does not smoke. Does not make love. What do you do Vargas?

  37. Jjjsixsix says:

    Are you serious?

  38. 74mk says:

    I blame the evil birthday otters for this.

  39. andeux says:

    I am utterly confused.

  40. Jennifer says:

    Is this game still on?

  41. andeux says:

    oh, for krauts sake

  42. mikeA says:

    not a fun birthday.

  43. mikeA says:

    I think Holliday is having the worst game in baseball history.

  44. Jjjsixsix says:

    It could be worse. We could be playing a double-header.

  45. mikeA says:

    runs? maybe?

  46. mikeA says:

    I’m guessing Powell can’t bunt…

  47. mikeA says:

    take it off.

  48. Jjjsixsix says:


  49. green star oakland says:

    Eveland FTL

  50. Jjjsixsix says:

    did that really happen?

  51. nevermoor says:

    DFA Hannahan now?

    If he throws home like a real infielder we win.

    • andeux says:

      I don’t think so. It would have been 7-5 with the bases loaded and two out instead of 7-6 with runners on 1st and 3rd and two out. But then two runs would have scored on Ichiro’s single anyway.

  52. whiteshoes40 says:

    Um, wow. I don’t know many of the particulars of the latter stages of this game, and I’m going to keep it that way.

  53. green star oakland says:

    Talking of going home …

    Tuning in to PBS’s film of otters in Mull, I’ve just seen a moment of “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” that shows a building crew installing bolt-on log-ends onto a steel-framed “authentic log cabin” in Colorado. The depressing triumph of form over function painfully echoed today’s unlucky 13th inning.

    But the otter mum just fought off a seal that wanted to sit on the rock her pups were nesting on, and the west coast of Scotland is sublime, and the matar paneer is yummy, and Lily is asleep after a weekend of doing her “My community” project for school, and the theme she chose for the centerpiece was “My family”, and life goes on.

    Happy birthday mikeA.

    • 74mk says:

      1. Now I crave mater paneer.

      2. That is a fantastic canvas. Though you appear to have flames shooting out of your sides in the centerpiece drawing.

      • green star oakland says:

        1. I strongly recommend Mehak Tandoori although you have to ask for “very hot” to get Indian rather than American spicing.

        2. Thanks – I’d been away Planck-ing in Paris all week, and her Mama was away gigging in L.A. all weekend, so we had some mutually gratifying quality daddy time. Funny you should mention the flames … over the last couple of weeks the arms on her figures have been rapidly (d)evolving, and those are actually vestigal fingers. Note also the dual vertical LILY signatures bottom-left and top-right, and the extra disembodied head – not sure who that is – mid-left :-)

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