Game Thread

My internet and tv are working! Go me! Go A’s! Boooo umpire!

107 Responses to Game Thread

  1. araksot says:

    here’s hoping you didn’t have to spend TOO much time cleaning

  2. Jjjsixsix says:

    … unfortunately, it does not seem like Dana Eveland is working. Not yet, at least.

  3. mikeA says:

    he’s taking the SB off the table. smart.

  4. mikeA says:

    Both of those looked like HRs off the bat.. I’ll take it.

  5. mikeA says:


  6. mikeA says:


  7. Jjjsixsix says:

    dude. ryan. what.

  8. mikeA says:

    another blown save for Fuentes, Angles lose 10-9. His era is 7.88.

  9. mikeA says:

    I like it when baseball is fun to watch.

  10. mikeA says:

    Crosby always hits triples with the bases loaded.

  11. Jennifer says:

    WHAT?! Crosby?!?

  12. Jjjsixsix says:

    oh my. croz?!

  13. whiteshoes40 says:

    What kind of alternate universe is this?

  14. mikeA says:

    Dear Mariners: keep swinging like that.

  15. Jennifer says:

    Dana, stop that.

  16. Jennifer says:

    This commercial right here – I always think the guy on the couch is a girl.

  17. xbhaskarx says:

    Obviously Patterson botched the DP ball, but could a non-Crosby 3B have handled any of those hits to the left side?

  18. mikeA says:

    See, that’s what happens when you just throw it down the middle to endy.

  19. Jennifer says:

    Where were you on that one, Ryan?

  20. xbhaskarx says:

    Good thing we didn’t try to sign Branyan because he’s left handed…

  21. Jjjsixsix says:

    1. I need to figure out how to get firefox to auto-refresh this page.
    2. Eveland … ugh.

    now extra ugh.

  22. xbhaskarx says:

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    Well, that’s two home runs… I’m guessing his FIP will not be very impressive after tonight.

  23. chrifive916 says:

    Eveland will soon be hanging out with me in Sacramento.

  24. whiteshoes40 says:

    Giese? Eeesh.

  25. Jennifer says:

    Don’t worry! Crosby will save us!

  26. chrifive916 says:

    Is it wrong of me to hate Ichiro because he hits like he’s playing girl’s fast pitch softball?

    • Leopold Bloom says:

      No. No, it’s not.

      I’ve heard he also cheats at Scrabble and uses all the towels in the motel bathroom.

      • dmoas says:

        What’s wrong with using all the towels in the motel bathroom? I consider it a public service. If I don’t use them all, the poor sap who stays in the room after me can’t be guaranteed a full set of fresh towels.

        Cheating at Scrabble on the other hand should be considered a lower-case, err, a capital offense.

  27. chrifive916 says:

    Patterson at 2b….no.

  28. Sharon says:

    So what have I missed

  29. xbhaskarx says:

    Holliday hits a HR in a real ballpark!

  30. mikeA says:

    Okay, that’s better. Yay scouts!

  31. Jennifer says:

    Who knew Rainman was a scout?

  32. whiteshoes40 says:


    That is all.

  33. whiteshoes40 says:

    Apparently I underestimated Giese. I’m okay with that.

    Just don’t send him back out there, please. Let him quit while he’s ahead.

  34. mikeA says:

    My mom bought me about 20 boxes of razors when I went to college in 2000, and I only recently ran out; bought some cheap ones and I bloody myself every time. Tried to think of some sort of A’s analogy for that story, but I couldn’t.

  35. mikeA says:

    Yes, I’ll take some more Sean White.

  36. mikeA says:

    Wow, looks like I’m going to lose that gog question about the Suzukis.

  37. Jennifer says:

    Wow. That was an ass load of suck.

  38. mikeA says:

    “xbhaskarx geren”

  39. mikeA says:

    Patterson will get a hit.

  40. Sharon says:

    Come on!

  41. whiteshoes40 says:

    HEY. Didn’t I say no more Giese?


  42. whiteshoes40 says:

    I stand corrected. Again. Giese is a rock star. (Just don’t let him pitch *another* inning.)

  43. Jjjsixsix says:

    I’ve been watching this game thinking that it was 8-7 A’s since the last time we scored. Oops.

  44. Sharon says:


  45. chrifive916 says:

    Damn. Giambi and Holliday K on fastballs down the fricken middle. lame

  46. Sharon says:

    That was painful

  47. Jennifer says:

    Jerry! Jerry!

  48. mikeA says:

    Ugh…. this is really stupid.

  49. Sharon says:

    heart attack

  50. Jennifer says:

    I love this scenario.

  51. Jennifer says:

    A-Rod would have had that.

  52. mcfood4thesoul says:

    I’m about to stroke out!

  53. Jjjsixsix says:

    too many pitches.

  54. mcfood4thesoul says:


  55. chrifive916 says:

    F that game. F it right in it’s A.

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