Trying this FKing thing out

News from SuSlu: MaEl’s livestock injury is “relatively severe” and he is expected to miss four to six weeks.

The MRI on Eric Chavez showed blahblahblah. Same shit, different day.

Lineup for the A’s:


179 Responses to Trying this FKing thing out

  1. whiteshoes40 says:

    Now that’s a lineup I can get behind.

    …er, yeah. You know what I mean.

  2. mikeA says:

    Thank you for not posting the real lineup. I would not advise anyone to look at it.

  3. mikeA says:

    Hmmm, who’s batting ninth?

  4. Jennifer says:

    Wow. Those are some great pockets on the A’s unis.

  5. mikeA says:

    It seems like there were 7 walks that inning, but apparently there was only 1.

  6. Jjjsixsix says:

    my firefox extensions are supposed to refresh this page automatically every minute. why is it not doing that?

  7. Jennifer says:

    Only 1,000!

  8. Jennifer says:

    What does the smiley face on the bottom of the page mean? Does it have a function?

  9. Jennifer says:


  10. Jennifer says:

    My, my, my.

    Edit: I changed my mind. It looked like he trapped it. Well, at least he sold it.

  11. mikeA says:

    When Buck does that, the ball rolls through and he gets injured.

  12. whiteshoes40 says:

    Ryan. Beautiful.

    Although it may have hit the ground first (booooooooooooooooo-mikeA hey, just calling it like I see it -ws), but whatev. Minor detail.

  13. mikeA says:


  14. mikeA says:

    First the A’s can’t score, and now i break the handle of my pot. THAT WAS A STRIKE.

  15. mikeA says:

    no replay no replay no replay…

  16. whiteshoes40 says:

    Cabrera’s such a party pooper. He put his pant legs down after the first inning. Are you allergic to high socks or something, dude?

  17. Jennifer says:

    Did that just happen?

  18. mikeA says:

    That slide was awesome. I love Cust.

  19. FreeSeatUpgrade says:

    Jack Cust is a 5-tool threat.

  20. Jjjsixsix says:

    Hahahaha. 1st in the majors!

    • nevermoor says:

      I assumed it was actually first in pro ball.

      • Jjjsixsix says:

        I looked this up, but he actually had two seasons with double-digit steals in pro ball… IIRC, a Pioneer League season (and that’s a short season too) in Lethbridge and a Texas League season in El Paso.

  21. FreeSeatUpgrade says:

    Just got to a TV. I have that O hat face.

  22. monkeyball says:

    Whoa. RIP, Jack Kemp.

  23. Jennifer says:

    What the feck was that?

  24. monkeyball says:

    Whoa. Petit is fast.

  25. bear88 says:

    I didn’t need reminding, but Suzuki has a really good arm.

  26. monkeyball says:

    Geren’s really cute when he warms up the pitcher between innings.

  27. whiteshoes40 says:

    I’m hungry.

  28. whiteshoes40 says:

    Stupid fans. Get out of the way.

  29. monkeyball says:

    What, exactly, is “European-style lounging”?

  30. whiteshoes40 says:

    That was a nice 180-degree hop by Bailey.

    Now let’s get a DP a dozen runs and some clam chowder.

  31. monkeyball says:

    Uhh … odd approach to that by Holliday.

  32. whiteshoes40 says:

    So the oak leaf behind the O on the hats kind of looks like a bear.

  33. monkeyball says:

    “sometimes inconsistent”?

  34. Jennifer says:

    Endy is not Ichiro clam chowder.

  35. monkeyball says:

    In the helmet and throwback uni, Gallego looks like he just stepped out of Super Mario Bros., or maybe Speed Racer.

  36. monkeyball says:


  37. Jjjsixsix says:

    there we go, G.

  38. whiteshoes40 says:

    Lol! That shift worked real well for ya, didn’t it?

  39. xbhaskarx says:

    I just got home, turned on the game, and we scored! Hooray!

    Who is editing my shit?

    It wasn’t me.

  40. monkeyball says:

    Do they not throw breaking balls in the NL?

  41. mikeA says:

    Suzuki will hit a grand slam.

  42. monkeyball says:

    Cust should really have a hyphen in his uni #.

  43. monkeyball says:

    fuck you, ump

  44. monkeyball says:

    Oregon music?

  45. xbhaskarx says:

    Annoying commercials – current hate list:
    1) AT&T “rollover minutes”
    2) Comcast “speed boost”
    3) Subway “five dollar”

  46. xbhaskarx says:

    These uniforms are awesome.

  47. soaker says:

    Completing the thought from the bottom of the Derby thread:

    2. Good Lovin, Cumberland, Cryptical>Other One>Drums>Morning Dew, St. Stephen>Revolution, Help on the Way>Franklin’s. And then (duh) E: Samson

  48. monkeyball says:

    The Anaheim media market?

  49. Sharon says:

    I hate work.

    And WTF Ellis? I’m over this DL crap. I mean, I thought I was over it last year but this is IT.

  50. mikeA says:

    not a strike.

  51. Jennifer says:

    I think I’m going to buy some of those socks and hang them up at Christmas.

  52. mikeA says:

    He was safe, but umpires usually call outs on those.

  53. monkeyball says:

    nice slide by crosby

  54. mikeA says:

    So did the Oaks wear jerseys that were faked to look like vests?

  55. mikeA says:


  56. Jennifer says:

    WHAT?!? That never works!

  57. Jjjsixsix says:

    I like this Gregorio Petit fellow.

  58. xbhaskarx says:

    Hmm, maybe Petit really just can’t hit in the PCL…

  59. monkeyball says:

    nice! that was a hell of a slam by crosby

  60. monkeyball says:

    no — THIS is the worst fucking ad

  61. xbhaskarx says:

    Geren looks like a fool in the Oaks hat. Even more so than usual.

  62. mikeA says:

    Trying to hit HRs to CF against the A’s is silly.

  63. monkeyball says:

    wuertz has a funny little short-arm delivery

  64. asfaninla says:

    On the replay it looks like the catcher was trying to block the plate w/o the ball — was already on his knees and got too low to get the big hop. Bad baserunning gets something good for a change.

  65. xbhaskarx says:

    So what’s the deal with Ziggy, do we know if it’s the regular flu or Hamthrax?

  66. asfaninla says:

    Maybe we need to wear the throwback unis against the M’s more often.

  67. whiteshoes40 says:

    I love me some Petit.

  68. monkeyball says:


  69. FreeSeatUpgrade says:

    Un Petit victoire. Tres bien.

  70. xbhaskarx says:

    For the first time in five tries, the A’s managed to beat a team that frequently starts Endy Chavez in LF and often starts Mike Sweeney at DH.

  71. whiteshoes40 says:

    Aw. That was a cute interview.

    • bear88 says:

      It’s nice to see a major league ballplayer so giddy. You’re back in the bigs, have a great game, and Ellis’ injury makes it likely you’re going to hang around a while.

  72. monkeyball says:

    More Braden love: that promo they played in the (7th?) was some quality VO work.

  73. bear88 says:

    The funny thing, to me, is that Crosby’s decision to ignore the stop sign and try to beat Ichiro was a typical dumb decision by Bobby.

    But Ichiro’s throw was tough for the catcher to grab, so Crosby gets credit for being aggressive.

    It was still dumb. I’m glad it worked out.

    • mikeA says:

      who is giving him credit? I’ll give him credit for a nice shove when the ball had already bounced away.

      • bear88 says:

        I’m watching the post-game show. They’re giving him credit.

        The A’s, and Crosby, and most importantly us, were due for some good luck.

    • monkeyball says:

      I’m not sure it was all that dumb. I mean, say he holds up — there’s still less than a 35% chance the A’s score. I’d guess, even discounting the actual outcome, there was a b]e===========8 [cat just stepped on the keyboard — either that, or I had a stroke] better than 35% chance of the throw/catch/tag somehow going awry.

      • Razr says:

        I wonder if that is true. Where are your stats back that up? I thought fk was saber. (looks at you with cross eyes and falls in process)

      • Razr says:

        More seriously though, I wonder if someone has crunched the numbers on something like that.

        • Jjjsixsix says:

          well, as for if we score if he holds up at third, it would be something like …

          BAnext hitter + ((OBP-BA)next hitter * OBPhitter after that)

          if things are really simplistic.

          Now, I reckon that it’d be near impossible to find something that simplistic for the fielding component of this, but it’d have something to do with … Ichiro’s arm, distance to the plate (for both throw and runner), competency of Rob Johnson behind the plate (which if you believe LL is 0, so Bobby running would be a smart thing to do), and Croz’ speed. I don’t have a clue how to model that, but seeing the replay several times, unless Rob Johnson is truly incompetent, it was ill-advised.

          • mikeA says:

            there’s no way of figuring out the chance of scoring on the play. I’d say it was somewhat less than 35%. For the first part there’s also the chance of a wp/pb, an error (not counted in ba) and the extra chance of getting an insurance run, all of which add up to a non-negligible amount.

            • Jjjsixsix says:

              The insurance run is kind of important in the long run, but I thought about that and decided that getting the one run home and a run expectancy matrix are two different things?

              I suppose you could add errors, but then you’d need spray charts and all kinds of things to figure out where stuff is going to get hit, and WP/PB at the major league level when Josh Bard isn’t catching Tim Wakefield is a small amount, but admittedly non-negligible.

              But if that formula as-is already gives a higher percentage chance of scoring than Ichiro not gunning down Croz at the plate, then it is a moot point.

        • monkeyball says:

          Well, as to the first 35% claim — there were two outs. Sweeney’s up next. Give him a .350 OBP (which is generous) — sure, he could walk/hbp, but that punts it to the next batter, Cabrera, not only knocking the % down further individually but serially/multiplicatively (I think — someone pls correct me if I’m wrong).

          The second is a wild-ass guess. Sure, Ichiro’s got a great arm, but, hey, anything can happen.

          Plus, while that run isn’t an absolute 100% win (as it would have been had the A’s been the home team), it’s probably pretty close. Extra runs after that (in the classic, big-inning-maximizing sabr argument against smallball) are gravy.

          ‘Course, I’m giving Crosby more credit than he deserves, b/c in the postgame writeups he says he put his head down and didn’t even see Gallego’s stop sign.

          • Jjjsixsix says:

            I think we came up with the same thing.

            Walk Off Balk (not always the best website to use, I know, not interested in rehashing years-old arguments) says that that run gives you an 81.2% chance of winning going into the bottom of the 9th; a second run would go to 92.5%, a 3rd to 96.5%, but that first run gives you a significant chance at winning already.

            I still think it was dumb of Croz, but he scored the go-ahead run, so who am I to question it? I have a feeling that he is out at the plate more than two out of three times if you redo that play a thousand times, but that’s just a hunch; I don’t think you can prove it one way or another. (But hey. He won the game, did he not?)

        • green star oakland says:

          One approach would be to use win expectancy, with three situations of interest:

          1. Crosby scores, Petit on 2nd, 2 out => WE = 0.816
          2. Crosby out, inning over => WE = 0.344
          3. Crosby holds at 3rd, Petit on 1st, 2 out => WE = 0.525

          So Crosby’s odds of scoring have to be better than (525-344)/(816-344) ~ 38% for the play to be worthwhile.

    • nevermoor says:

      The larger point that we’re all missing is that Crosby came in contact with a human being and both (a) knocked him over and (b) didn’t break anything.

      I don’t care about the run, the odds of (a) and (b) are about 1.2%

  74. asfaninla says:

    Right now on MLB network I just stumbled across a replay of the 72 world series

  75. Jjjsixsix says:

    Question –

    Came across a post at draysbay which said the A’s combined player value was the worst in baseball – including the hapless Natinals. I don’t know what exactly that means, but seriously, that can’t possibly be true… or can it?

    Individual player values at Fangraphs here and team values here. (and A’s players here.)

    It says the A’s are worth negative $2m, which, if nothing else, means paying our team is significantly overpaying them. I’m trying to understand the system of measurement, and I think it’s just a basic multiplying win values by some arbitrary dollar amount per win? And based off runs (WAR, if I read everything correctly), or something? I’m not sure.

    But any statistic in which you are 30th is probably not good. And if you have negative values and it is based off WAR, that means we could be fielding a replacement-level team and be doing better? I mean, I’ve listened to most of this team’s games, and I don’t perceive them to be so bad that they are below replacement level… but I don’t know.

    • mikeA says:

      that’s just another way of saying the offense is off the a horrible start. They have a .646 team OPS and a team of replacement level players could do that. It’s good that they haven’t completely tanked with the offense being so bad. It’ll get a lot better, although it will be a fair bit worse than most of us thought at the beginning of the year.

      It’s basically just saying that e.g. Mark Ellis, if he finishes with a .503 OPS, is worth less than nothing because everyone who has ever played in the majors except tony pena jr. can do that.

      • Jjjsixsix says:

        Oh. crap. I thought it included pitching in the team one, too. That’s why I was so puzzled.

        Yeah, replacement level offence is the one I know and love.

  76. monkeyball says:

    Whu … how does one write an entire feature about official scorers, and yet never allow a critique of “errors” and AVG as meaningless stats? OK, fine, if FitzGerald himself doesn’t want to say it, fine — but it’s unprofessional/irresponsible not to interview at least one sabr type to say “This is why errors and AVG are meaningless and why no one who’s not an idiot pays attention to them any more.”

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