4/22/09 Condiments? Don’t you have to talk to the pharmacist for those?

I have nothing to offer, except my extensive knowledge of signs and my extensive knowledge of literature. Other than that, I’m clueless. Do you see what happens when you take a man to the Alps?

JoePo tries to come to terms with pitch counts. Reminds me of Eddie Izzard talking about the “two weeks we tried the metric system.

I know I bitch and moan a lot, but I really am completely disgusted with both Florida and signs. And while the reality is I moved of my own volition, I am really trapped here now. I am the only thing standing between my brother losing his investment and not. I am the thin magenta line. “But I don’t like that shade of magenta…do you have something a little lighter?” Trust me, if you think the New Yorkers and the Bostonians are annoying as antagonists in baseball, try acquiescing to their every sign need, as they completely abuse the consumer process.

We lost to the Yankees last night. You know, much like my love for football has gotten smaller, and my love for baseball has grown, my hatred for the Yankees has gotten smaller and my hatred for the Red Sox has grown. (nothing says manly like eye-gouging, Tek). They beat us with Andy Pettite and Mariano Rivera, which is not so good news to Welch/Eck, but…records are meant to be broken. And, c’mon–that’s kinda like getting beaten by your dad or something..

Apparently, Devine thinks he’s Octavio or something, according to SuSlu. And Outman will miss his next start. Yawn.

I got signs to make.

Oh, and my calendar informs me (not the one with Staplehead blankly staring at me–BTW, who the fuck puts these A’s calendars together? I expect next month will have Randy Velarde on it) that it’s Administrative Professionals Day today. I’m not sure if that’s the new office doublespeak for secretaries or we’re supposed to buy bouquets for the executive vice president, but act accordingly.

24 Responses to 4/22/09 Condiments? Don’t you have to talk to the pharmacist for those?

  1. mikeA says:

    Florida: a recent article in the new yorker (not online) had a number of priceless anti-Florida zingers.

    as much laceration and as many annoyances to the square inch as any place i have ever seen.

    another, grunwald notes, caught a third of a million mosquitoes in a single trap in a single night.

    -pig frogs

    -“a soggy confusion”

    a rumor soon spread that the roving macaques… had been infected with AIDS… “It wasn’t true… but pretty soon people were in the streets shooting them with shotguns.”

    “Global warming is going to fix this problem [the problem being Florida; problem to be solved when state is submerged.]”

  2. monkeyball says:

    Ah, fuck: deadline fast approaching.

  3. monkeyball says:

    I thought a pharmacist was a kind of statistic to assess minor-league fielding.

  4. mikeA says:

    Sweeney CF
    Cabrera SS
    Giambi DH
    Holliday LF
    Cust RF
    Suzuki C
    Ellis 2B
    Powell 1B
    Crosby 3B

  5. FreeSeatUpgrade says:

    Yankee Stadium concession marquee note:

    Not really a sign in the Leo’s Sign Shop sense, but I noticed something on the broadcast last night. When the camera panned a bleacher section concession stand from afar, the menu sign appeared to use the old school removable letters which press into a felt board with grooves. But what really caught my eye is that the calorie count was displayed right alongside the item name and price, all in the same font sized press-on characters.

    A good tool for the dollar-for-calorie hidden value shopper. One hopes they similarly list prices jutxrtaposed with alcohol content for the drinks.

    • Leopold Bloom says:

      So, does one find like a loose piece of snark in the yard during outside time and take it back to the cell and sharpen it on the floor?

    • FreeSeatUpgrade says:

      “Jane Harman is so shrill and angry today. She sounds like some sort of unhinged leftist blogger.” No, unhinged leftist bloggers generally make at least an attempt at ideological consistency, if only to maintain appearances. Harman seems to be completely at peace with her “OK to tap potential threats, unless they are me” stance.

  6. monkeyball says:

    I thought for sure that this was an article about Halos Heaven:

    “a perfect storm of ignorance and enthusiasm”

  7. batgirl says:


  8. monkeyball says:

    Anyone else apply for the BP Idol thing? Deadline’s in 2 hours …

    (I sent in “The Lonesome Release of Toddie Linden” & “PECOTA.”)

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